
Showing posts from October, 2016

And I'll Form the Head

Ok so here we are again and this time it's more Voltron. This will be the last for a while as after this I will have nothing to talk about till season 2 comes out or the new toyline whichever comes first. So for this section I want to talk about what I want from season 2 of Voltron: Legendary Defender . Before I get any farther into this here is the Trailer that was show at New York Comic Con.

Legendary Defender Review

In my last post I talk about the potential of the new Voltron toy line from Playmates Toys, but I have yet to throw my 2 cents in on the new show Voltron: Legendary Defender. So I decided after i've watched from Beginning to end like 3 time now I'd take a look at it and talk about how this remake is different from past version of the Voltron. So without any more delay LET'S GO VOLTRON FORCE.... they don't really say that in this one but on with the blog.

I'll Form the Head

Hello again and sorry for the absence from my own blog I was too caught up in my streaming and video content that let the blog gather dust. If any of you follow me on social media weather it be Facebook (HATE THIS PLATFORM) or twitter I have been battling depression. That being said I tend to get flaky and tell my self that none of this maters it not easy but i'm going to try and make a go with no format mostly just musings and maybe story ideas with that lets get on to what I wanted to Talk about Voltron