
Showing posts from February, 2015

Episode 91: Live Long and Prosper

This week’s show follows a really craptastic week and we do our best to follow the old Vulcan farewell message of Live Long and Prosper. And the dress is white and gold Link Dump Leonard Nimoy Starship Troopers Starcraft D&D Net Neutrality Power/Rangers  (NSFW)

Art of the Shelf: Attention!

This entry of Art of the Shelf we talk about the art of Troop Building. What is Troop Building you may ask? Well troop Build also known as army building is the purchase of multiple copies of a figure to create an army of them for display purposes. This is generally done with the nameless foot solider like cobra troopers and storm troopers for example.

Episode 90 So Close Yet So Far

This week our host are trapped in there respective homes because of the Snowpocalypse The revenge. Though with a little dark magic they manage to record for listening pleasure Link dump Deadpool cast Aquaman Avengers D&D SuperGirl Cast Fastlane time card Fable Legends. Evolve

Art of the Shelf: Display

Welcome to Art of the Shelf my attempt to help the world better understand my hobby of figure collecting. This entry we will talk about display and how to improve upon the shelf's visual appeal. Most figures are pose-able, though the amount of this varies, this can add to visual appeal of the shelf. This can sometimes make display difficult. To combat this difficulty most collectors use figure stands. There are two basic types of stands a foot peg stand, and a flight stand. A foot peg stand is a small piece of flat plastic with a small peg on it that fits into the foot of the action figure. Peg stands come in a variety of colors and shapes, but the most common is a black circular shape. This offers stability for unbalanced figures and allows for a limited number of dynamic poses. The flight stand, like the foot peg, also can stabilize a figure. It allows for more pose options, like jumps and flying. Flight stands also come in varying shapes and colors. Some eve

New York Toy Fair 2015 Look and Response

So this post, like my prediction, will be broken down by company talking about what each company presented at this years Toy Fair. So without further ado New York Toy Fair.

Episode 89: Toyz with a Z

This week Ryan looks embarrassed while Russell runs around a toy store like 8 year old child screaming, "I want this and i want that and I want this..." Sony's Spider-Man Joins the MCU Evolve  Bethesda at E3 NECA Hero's of the Storm Power Ranger Dino Charge New York Toy Fair 2015

Game Podcast's group chat...

Just to show that we act the same way in reality as we do on air, only here, we get to use memes!!!

I Don't Wanna Grow Up...

With New York Toy Fair being this weekend and I’m still not sure how I’m going to cover it; if I will do a beast of blog post or talk about it on the next week show. I figure I’d do my wish list of what I’d like to see announced this year's and talk about the  pre show  done by Mezco toys.

Episode 88: Three Count

This week our hosts go back into the square circle and and wrestle with the tough questions like why only two dudes for Teen Titans TV show, Why does Cyclops suck and Who doesn't like Powerman Show notes Monty Oum   Tribute WWE El Ray Network Lucha Underground Protector (because he is a Titan damn it) Teen Titans